

You can change the configuration of your project at any point in time. Some configurations can be changed directly in the settings. In the home page of your project, go to the Administration section and click under the Planning menu. You can then change the settings of the different steps (like screening, validation, QA). However, these changes will not be reflected in the configuration file. On the other hand, if you change the configuration file, then these settings will be updated accordingly.

You can only change the classification/data extraction form and the reporting steps from the configuration file. By default, if you change the configuration of the data extraction form, all classifications already performed will be lost. If you want to retain all the data of the steps of the screening, you must add the keep_screening keyword under SCREENING. If you want to retain all the data of the steps of the QA, you must add the keep_qa keyword under QA. If you want to also reset these data (e.g., restart the screening), then you must add the override keyword under CLASSIFICATION. Here is an example where the screening data will be retained but not the classification data.


keep_screening allows you to regenerate the classification and reporting steps, without impacting the screening process or the references that were already screened.

Similarly, keep_qa allows you to regenerate the classification and reporting steps, without impacting the QA process.

override allows you to regenerate all the classification and reporting steps by resetting all the data in these steps only. Ommitting the keyword will only modify the data extraction form if it does not create a conflict with the existing data. If the modifications produce a conflict, it will also erase the data.

Removing references

ReLiS allows you to perform many iterations over your systematic review. Therefore, there are cases where you may need to remove the references that are loaded in your project. This is usually the case when you are starting the review and would like to test out the different steps (the screening, the quality assurance, the data extraction, or the reporting). It may also be needed if you want to start a calibration phase to make sure that reviewers are in agreement with the inclusion/exclusion decisions of a small sample of your corpus of references.

To remove all the references from your project, go to the home page of your project and click in the menu Papers > All. Then press the Delete all button and confirm.

WARNING: this will erase all references in your project and it cannot be undone. All associated data, like the screening results and data extraction, will be cleared as well.