Add reviewers to project

The video above describes how to add users to your ReLiS project. The following lists the different user roles.


The administrator has all read and write access to all projects. A user with adminitrator role is automatically part of all projects in ReLiS. This user will however not show up in the list of users on the home page of the project. The administrator can also query the databases directly from the Query Database menu. He also has write access to the database, therefore it should be used with caution. Only very advanced users with programming skills should be administrators.

Project Manager

The project manager has all the administrating privileges but only for his project. He can modify the settings and configuration of the project, manage users, and query the database. He can also assign articles to users and import articles.

Standard user

The following are considered standard users. They have access to the project but cannot manage it.


The reviewer can conduct the screening, perform the quality assurance, and perform data extraction from articles. He has read-access to other information, such as statistics, validation, and list of articles. He can modify exclusion criteria. He does not


The validator has the same rights as the reviewer, but can also perform validations.


Has very limited access in read-only to the project. This is equivalent to the Demo user, but for a specific project only.

Access rights per user role

Feature Administrator Project Manager Standard user
Validator Reviewer Guest
Create and modify project Yes* W - - -
Project configuration W* W - - -
Project settings W* W - - -
Import articles Yes* Yes - - -
Import settings W* W W - -
Articles W* W R R R
Authors W* W W W W
Venues W* W W W W
Screening W* W W W R
Screening settings W* W W - -
Assign reviews Yes* Yes - -
Exclusion criteria W* W W W W
Screening statistics Yes* Yes Yes Yes Yes
Validation W* W W R R
Assign validation Yes* Yes Yes - -
Validation settings W* W W - -
Data extraction/Classification W* W W W W
Reference categories W* W W W W
Reporting W* W R R R
Export results Yes* Yes Yes Yes Yes
Query database W* W - - -
Manage users Yes* Yes - - -

* means for all projects in ReLiS.
W means write access. Thus, the user can add, remove, or modify any information.
R means read access, thus the user can only see the information without modifying it.